TEL: 01273 514060

Podiatry and chiropody

Home visits - mobile clinic

Now available in Uckfield, Heathfield, Buxted and surrounding East Sussex villages.

Contact us 07809 210 836

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    Callus / hard skin

    Hard skin or callus is a very common foot problem. It can develop over pressure points on the feet and can become painful if left untreated. Podiatrists are expert at removing excess callus safely with the use of a blade and this aims to relive the discomfort of hard skin on your feet.


    Corns are a common foot compliant and can be very painful. Corns are formed of hard skin that can develop over areas of high pressure or friction such as the balls of the feet, the edges or tops of the toes and in between the toes. Podiatrists treat them by gently removing the overlying hard skin and then removing the deeper area of the corn. Corns can often reoccur so we can advise patients on how to reduce the chances of this happening.

    Nail cutting

    Cutting your own toenails can be tricky and podiatrists are specially
    trained to cut and manage your nails. As well as routine nail cutting, nail conditions treated include:

    Thickened nails: These can be cut and filed with a professional mobile
    podiatry drill to reduce the thickness.

    Fungal nails: We can offer expert advice and expertise on managing
    fungal nail conditions.

    Ingrowing toenails: These can be incredibly painful, they can be caused by damage to the nails or a genetic disposition. Podiatrists will effectively cut the nail back if necessary and remove the painful spike. Dressings can be applied and checks can be made for signs of infection with appropriate advice and guidance. Where necessary patients can be referred for nail surgery.

    Diabetic Footcare

    Diabetes can have a significant impact on the feet and it is very important for diabetics to maintain their foot health by having regular podiatry input.